“It was so enjoyable working with Hanna, felt like just getting photos with a friend. We’ve done 3 shoots together and I will continue to book with her.”

Chelsea - 2023

Let them be comfy

Put them in something that you’re not going to worry about getting dirty. Clothes can be washed.

Let them take off their shoes and run around.

Throw them in the air!!

Bring them in for a kiss. Surprise them by blowing raspberries on their neck. Ahhh, that giggle!

Chase them. Chase dad! Oh they find it SO funny when mum and dad play the game together.

Kiss them!

Cuddle them. He will play with your necklace, like he always does, ever since he was a baby and breastfeeding.

I’ll snap away, and you’ll be able to remember this moment forever

One hour.. uninterrupted.. intentional.. loved up family time

Your phones are packed away

No distractions

Your littlest loves take the lead and off we go exploring

Ending up with the most beautiful photos, but also, the best memories of an afternoon spent in the sun with the loves of your life